Once you have created your avatar user account you will need to install and setup a viewer that is compatible with OpenSim to be able to access Dynamic Worldz 2.
This wiki will detail everything you need to know to get you online and signed in.
Recommended Viewer Downloads
Click on the desired button to be taken to the viewer download page or click the link next to it to jump to the setup instructions for that viewer.

A list of alternate viewers compatible with opensim are listed here:
They also have some simple tutorials if you are completely new to this and unable follow the steps below.
How To Setup – Firestorm
Step 1
Open Firestorm and click on "Viewer" in the top left hand corner of your window. Then select "Preferences..."

Step 2
Click on Opensim from the tabs down the left of the preferences window. Then in the "Add new grid" address field enter grid.dynamicworldz2.com:8822 and hit the "Apply" button.

Step 3
You are now ready to login to Dynamic Worldz 2.
Enter your login information you registered with and choose Dynamic Worldz 2 from the grid selector (if not already selected) and hit the "Log In" button

How To Setup – Singularity
Step 1
Open Singularity and click on the button “Grid Manager” immediately below the login info bar

Step 2
Click the “Create” button near the top of the right had panel.
In the "Login URI:" field type in the following link http://grid.dynamicworldz2.com:8822 (you can copy and paste the link but make sure you dont copy any spaces before or after the link).
Click the button “Apply” at the bottom of that panel. Then click “OK” to close the setup screen.

Step 3
Enter your login information you registered with and choose Dynamic Worldz 2 from the grid selector (if not already selected) and hit the "Log In" button