Refresh Viewer Grid Settings

A quick walk through on how to refresh your viewer grid settings

When the grid makes changes to the URL’s that your viewer needs to direct you to various functions, like currency, search functions, login screen, grid routing etc… it is usually the case that you will be asked to update your viewer setting. It’s very easy to do and is outlined on this page.

Open your Firestorm Viewer, but do not login…

Step 1. Click on the menu option “Viewer” at the top left of your screen.

(or if you are comfortable using shortcuts… press Ctrl and P at the same time to open the screen in step 3)

Step 2. You then have two options. Click on the option “Preferences”

The preferences screen looks like this…

At this stage we are going to pause for people who have been with Dynamic Worldz for a long time and may still have the original Dynamic Worldz grid setup in their viewers (as in the image above). It is VERY important that you delete the setup for the old grid (Dynamic Worldz This grid no longer exists and DW2 will be replacing that entry.

Click on the listing for Dynamic Worldz and then click on the button “Remove”

Step 4: Now to refresh your information you have for DW2 and update it to the now just DW…

Highlight the entry for Dynamic Worldz 2, by left clicking once on that name then click on the button to the right “Refresh”

Once you have clicked the Refresh button, you will need to select the entry for Dynamic Worldz again. Just check that the entry is now showing all the URL’s as *** (*** being whatever the designated subdomain is) its just the main domains that should have changed from to show

If all entries have updated then click ok and continue to the grid.

If the entries have not update (which is the case on some pc’s) then you will need to remove the listing for Dynamic Worldz 2 and type the grid url into the “Add new grid” field. the grid URL is and then click “Apply” that will add the grid and have all the right settings.

Open your Singularity Viewer, but do not login…

Refreshing the grid details in Singularity is a whole lot simpler.

Step 1. Click on the “Grid Manager” button just below your sign in details…

Click on the Advanced button near the top of this pop-up box. That will then produce a screen like this…

Just click on the button below the grid Login URI: “Refresh Grid URL’s”

You will not that even the grid URI will change

Check the details to make sure that all the domains now don’t contain but have now all be updated to

Then click “Apply” and “OK” and you can log back into Dynamic Worldz.